Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Put Emotions Above of Your Comment Box

I wonder how to put this emotions in my blog. Actually, I learn and try to apply this from trik-tips.blogspot.com and I have to say that thanks for that.

Here I am using the link from trik-tips.blogspot.com. All of you can apply these emotions and put those above of your comment space like what you are looking at my emotions in this blog. Those emotions will be like;

Tips of Blog will share the code how to put it in your blog. Here's the way to put these emotions in your blog;

  1. Log in to your BLOG
  2. Go to Layout
  3. CLick Edit HTML
  4. Check for "Expand Widget Template"
  5. Find out the code </body> and put the code below before </body>
  6. <script src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/smile2.js' type='text/javascript'/>
  7. Then find out the code like;
  8. <p class='comment-footer'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.embedCommentForm'>
    <b:include data='post' name='comment-form'/>
    <b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
    <a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><data:postCommentMsg/></a>
  9. After finding the code <p class='comment-footer'> put the code right under <p class='comment-footer'>
  10. <b><img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/capek.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/bigsmile.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/hi.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/kagum.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/love.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/malu.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/marah.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/bingung.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/mumet.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/muntah.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/mentok.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/ngakak.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/sedih.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/senang.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/tolong.gif'/>
    <img border='0' src='http://kendhin.890m.com/emoticon/wow.gif'/>
    :o </b>
  11. Then click SAVE
May this kind of tool be helpful for all of you and I hope your wonderful comments. Thanks in advance, cheers

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